Kissing Practice
As a fairly new young adult, I recently came to the realization that if I wanted to be good at kissing, I’d had better get the reps in. To that end, I hired a kissing coach, who promptly introduced me to my new favorite kissing practice implement - The Kissing Cup. Constructed out of a transparent glass for easy post-kiss footage analysis, and with many ridges to properly simulate the potential range of human female mouth shapes, I have since been practicing with the kissing cup every night for the last few years. I try to get at least 50 reps in every night, but some nights, if I’m really feeling it, I’ll go for 100 or more!
Some tips for some people that may be less experienced - sometimes if you’re not careful you may bump your nose! It stings at first but you quickly learn the proper approach angle. On an off day I may even bump my chin. But no one gets good at anything without putting the work in, and I’m confident that when I kiss my first human female, I’ll nail all the particulars. My coach says I’ll be ready any day now!
- Martin